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North Star Lodge

Mother Lodge of Prince Hall Masons in The State of Illinois

The Masonic seed that was planted through Prince Hall and his associates had been successfully transplanted in Philadelphia and from there spread to: Ohio; Louisiana; Indiana; Kentucky; Illinois; and Missouri. Records of the Ohio Grand Lodge will show the first Lodge granted a dispensation beyond the state border was Richmond Lodge #4 at New Orleans, Louisiana in 1850. From there the following Lodges where subsequently Chartered in Illinois; North Star Lodge #12 of Chicago, Illinois - Chartered in 1852 Griffin T. Watson Lodge #16 of Alton, Illinois - Chartered in 1856 Central Lodge #19 of Springfield, Illinois - Chartered in 1857

North Star Lodge #12 was organized at the time by Right Worshipful Grand Deputy Richard H. Gleaves, the 5th Grand Master of Ohio, in 1851 in Ohio and operated in that state for one year. Moving from Ohio… membership continued to increase in Illinois. Following North Star to Illinois were G. T. Watson and Central Lodge (Central Lodge was established in Springfield; G. T. Watson, at Alton – while North Star set up their headquarters in Chicago).

One of the prime movers of masonic work in Chicago during the 1850’s was PMWGM Bro. Edward A. Fulton, the 7th Grand Master of Ohio. Brother Fulton was initiated, passed and raised as a Master Mason at North Star Lodge #12 and served the Lodge as the 4th Worshipful Master in the “Windy City” in 1855. Due to his pioneering work and leadership qualities, the Ohio Grand body elected him Grand Master from 1863-1865. Under his administration other Lodges received their Charters.

PMWGM Bro. William Darnes, the 3rd Grand Master of Ohio, he and others like PMWGM Bro. Richard H. Gleaves, the 5th Grand Master of Ohio took their Master Masons degree out of the state of Ohio and poured there energy into expansion. Under PMWGM Bro. William Darnes administration dispensations and warrants were issued for North Star Lodge #12 in Chicago, IL and other Lodges.

The initial three Lodges met in Springfield on February 15, 1867 to resolve to form a Grand Lodge for the State of Illinois. Brother Harrison D. King of North Star Lodge #12 was unanimously elected as chairman of the convention the resolution which resulted from the convention was submitted to the National Grand Lodge through PMWGM Bro. John Jones, the 8th Grand Master of Ohio and a member of North Star Lodge #12.

In the history of the development of the city of Chicago, the most prominent individual during the 1850’s and 1860’s was PMWGM Bro. John Jones. At the June 20, 1867 communication of the Ohio Grand Lodge, with PMWGM Bro. John Jones presiding as Grand Master, he announced the formation of the Illinois Grand Lodge on February 15, 1867, Brother John A. Crisup represented North Star Lodge # 12. He further stated, as proxy for the National Grand Master of the National Prince Hall Masonic Authority at that time, that he had installed the Grand Lodge of Illinois Officers at Springfield, IL on May 6, 1867 at a special session of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted York Masons, State of Illinois.

North Star Lodge #12, then surrendered its Charter to the Grand Lodge of Ohio and was Re-Chartered by the Grand Lodge of Illinois in 1867---As North Star Lodge #1, Free and Accepted Masons

After the installation of the officers, the Lodges were renumbered according to their dates of original charter with North Star Lodge as #1, Griffin T. Watson Lodge as #2 and Central Lodge as #3.

In 1852 Bro. Henry Bradford, PM was elected the 1st Worshipful Master of North Star Lodge #1.

North Star Lodge #1 continues to progress in the State of Illinois, maintaining its status as the Mother Lodge of the Jurisdiction of Illinois, and taking an active part in all endeavors of the Grand Lodge. It has also contributed such men of stature as:

           Past Grand Masters from North Star Lodge

1. MW Bro. Edward A. Fulton, PGM - 7th Grand Master of Ohio

2. MW Bro. John Jones, PGM - 8th Grand Master of Ohio

3. MW Bro. William L. Darrow, PGM - 3rd Grand Master of Illinois

4. MW Bro. Joseph W. Moore, PGM - 9th Grand Master of Illinois

5. MW Bro. Milton E. Pitts, PGM - 25th Grand Master of Illinois

6. MW Bro. Jerry “Iceman” Butler, PGM - 41st Grand Master of Illinois

7. MW Bro. James H. Black, PGM - 29th Grand Master of Illinois (*Honorary Member of NSL#1*)

   Grand Lodge Offices Held by North Star Lodge members


 RW Bro. Jonathan Austin - Grand Trustee

 RW Bro. Kenny R. Askew - Grand Auditor

 RW Bro. Lewis Isbell - Past Grand Junior Warden

· RW Bro. E.R. Williams - Past Grand Junior Warden

· RW Bro. Percy Robinson Jr. - Past Grand Trustee

· RW Bro. James E. Anderson - Past Grand Relief Fund Secretary

· RW Bro. Julius K. Teague - Past Grand Relief Fund Secretary

· RW Bro. Lester Powell - Past Grand Trustee

· RW Bro. Bill Harlan - Past Grand Auditor

 ·  W Bro. Fred Bradley III - Past District Deputy Grand Lecturer

·  W Bro. Eugene Davis - Past District Deputy Grand Master

·  W Bro. Jerry Cotton - Past District Deputy Grand Master

·  W Bro. Montie L. Reynolds - District Deputy Grand Lecturer

·  W Bro. Matthew Williams - District Deputy Grand Master

   W Bro. Bobby L. winton - District Deputy Grand Master

   W Bro. Kenny R. Askew - Past Assistant Grand Treasurer

   W Bro. Kenny R. Askew - Past Acting Grand Trustee

 MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois, Mason of the Year Recipients

1. W Bro. Albert "Pops" Moorehead, PM

2. W Bro. Kenneth L. Ingram Sr. PM

3. MW Bro. Jerry “Iceman” Butler, PGM

An old Chinese proverb says: “It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness”. In 1852, the Grand Lodge of Ohio lit a candle in Illinois giving birth to North Star Lodge #1 in Chicago, IL. That light was set aglow many years ago. It has increased in intensity as the years passed in review, giving spark to many other lights even today.